Robodock 2007

Jarico, Big Daddy and Spider went to Amsterdam for this years Robodock art festival. They presented The Axe Grinder.  Big thanx to the Flaming Lotus Girls for helping transport our pedal powered musical monstrosity. We will be adding pics from the event soon…

Posted on a Sat in September 2007f 2007 by Laird

Cyclecide Takes Space Needle Home – Bumbershoot 2007


“I particularly loved the Mad Max, bicycle-powered theme park rides. Tear out the Fun Forest, Seattle Center, and give the space to the geniuses behind Cyclecide, please.” The Stranger Sept. 2007


We ended us deciding that we didn’t have enough time or the inclination to fix our current bus, so we loaded all our crap in a rental box truck and the trailer. Laird followed with his van packed full of klowns. Trip up was pretty uneventful from my understanding. Me, DannyGirl, and Kaytea flew up last Thursday night and lended a hand with the last bits of set-up on Friday. The B.C. clettes showed up with Critical Mass for an impromptu performance on the lawn.


 The Dead Babies let us crash at night at their club house and they showed up on Saturday, Sunday and Monday to help us run rides and ride bikes during the show, and helped us strike on Tuesday.

I was really worried about the show because I was missing so many of my regular touring klowns, but everything came together and the shows went great, even though the Sunday show got shut down a little early because the cops panicked when a jouster fell against a fence, and Paul da Plumber crashed into a bush, and it seems we were asked to not light up the fire bikes but we accidentally did it anyway, but other than that, we got a lot of positive feedback about our shows.

Plumber and Rocketbike by Sucka Pants

I think a highlight of the event was on Monday when Dead Baby Dave got eight Hells Angels to ride the Cyclofuge at one time. They were all dignified and serious while flying in their little chairs and pedaling their bikes. I understand some one’s going to send us pictures of that.


Anyway, as you can tell, the Dead Babies were awesome. They seemed to have fun too. They gave us some of their t-shirts and we gave them some of our swag and paid half their month’s rent for their clubhouse as a Thank You. Big props are due to the newbies who kicked ass: Christian for learning the Los Banos bass parts under duress, Chrissy & Sam for their great clowning, especially during the Double Date skit, Becca for rocking out as the sign girl, Alisa for kicking ass at the merch booth all day every day, Paul Rainville for his hi-la-rious turns as the Pinata Pirate and to Lizzie for making sure no died on the kiddie carousel.

There’s more to tell, but that’s the gist of it. I will be shocked if we’re not asked back.


[message from internal cyclecide communications]

Press mentions:

Seattle Pi article

Posted on a Thu in September 2007f 2007 by Rudy

Pedal Monster 2007


Thanks to all the floks that came out and to our annual summer fundrasing event of bicycle mayhem; it was a real success! and great time!

CLICK HERE for the rest of this post… »

Posted on a Fri in June 2007f 2007 by Laird

AIDS LifeCycle 6


The Heavy Pedal Cyclecide Bike Rodeo joined up with Team Wino for a life changing endeavor. From June 3-9, 2007, a team of Rodeo Clowns and Wino DJs rode in the AIDS/LifeCycle. It was a 7-day, 545-mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to make a world of difference in the lives of people living with HIV and AIDS. 

Cycleciders who rolled with Team Wino:




TeamWino & Cyclecide would like to thank everyone that came out in suport for our AIDS-LIFECYCLE
benefit party on April 15th, especial the following performers:
the SICK
Herby Hat Man

Posted on a Sat in June 2007f 2007 by Laird

Spanking Bike

This bike was quite popular this year at Coachella. Made by Danny Girl years ago, now with youtube, you too can witness the joys of the Spanking Bike! Click videos to watch and note other rides in background!

CLICK HERE for the rest of this post… »

Posted on a Sun in May 2007f 2007 by Rudy

Suburban Intruder

Aka Lawn Mower bike…..   terrorizing anything that gets in its way and mowing a strip across America.

Suburban Intruder

Moses on the Suburban Intruder by Angela Scrivani

“What do you get when you weld a lawn mower to the front of a cruiser bicycle? If you`re one of the creative minds behind the San Francisco-based Cyclecide rodeo road show, you call that a ’suburban intruder.’” Daily Camera Sept. 2003

Posted on a Sat in May 2007f 2007 by Laird

The Axe Grinder

Cyclecide’s alter-bike mechanics have created an interactive kinetic sculpture that resembles a windmill, is pedaled by one rider, and creates music. We are calling this machine ”The Axe Grinder!”

CLICK HERE for the rest of this post… »

Posted on a Tue in May 2007f 2007 by Laird

Flora Grubb Gardens Grand Opening Party

Our friends at Flora Grubb Gardens and Ritual Coffee Roasters  celebrated the completion of their new store at 1634 Jerrold Ave San Francisco, CA . Cyclecide was there with our pedal-powered midway and more…

[Check out Scott Beale’s photos.]

Posted on a Tue in February 2007f 2007 by Laird

Coachella 2007

 The Coachella web site has a video trailer that features Cyclofuge, Dizzy Toy, and Ferris Wheel…
oh-yea and Iggy Pop, The White Stripes, Bjork and some other acts too.

Cyclecide performed at the Coachella Valley Music and Art Festival and the Stagecoach Country Music Festival.


Photos on Flickr

Summer Burkes blog

If you have any photos or video you would like to share, send an email to presskit(at)

Posted on a Sun in February 2007f 2007 by Laird

Club House Party

Thanks to all the bands that made our first party rock…

Mongolounge , Los Banos , and Waco


Saturday Feb. 17th 2007

Posted on a Mon in February 2007f 2007 by Laird