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HOW-TO set up an old E200ER

Reuse that old dsl modem!

I'm thrifty AND I like to use old hardware. Recently, I moved to Berkeley and needed to get DSL (the free wireless from the neighbors wasn't hacking it). There was an old Earthlink ADSL modem (VisionNet E200ER) sitting around the MonkeyBrains office, so I told SBC/ATT that I would provide my own modem (whoopie! Saved $50 and worked for a couple of hours to get it working). Here are the quick steps:
  • reset modem (hold the button on the bottom while powering it up for 10 seconds)
  • set your compute to listen to
    ifconfig nfe0 netmask alias
  • plug in your computer into the E200ER (or put them both into the same switch)
  • ping -- yeah it is up! No ping? Start over.
  • browser to
    click on 'help'
    click on 'advanced settings'
    select 'diable dhcp/nat/pppoe' (seems to not be compatible with the AT&T PPoE)
    click 'save'
  • The DSL modem will reboot.
  • Check the lights... SYNC should be solid yellow if the DSL link is up, LAN should be green, and WAN should blick every now and again
  • Now, set up PPPoE on your computer -- we disabled the PPPoE in the E200ER because it doesn't work with other providers.
  • In FreeBSD, I did this:
    Added this to /etc/ppp/ppp.conf
     set device PPPoE:nfe0 #replace nfe with your Ethernet device
     enable lqr echo
     set cd 5
     set dial
     set login
     #set authname
     #set authkey sbcyahooreg
     set authname
     set authkey my888pass
     set redial 0 0
     add default HISADDR # Add a default route

    ran "ppp -ddial pppoe" as root
  • If you have a router with dd-wrt on it, you can use that to do your PPPoE and skip setting it up on your FreeBSD box. Kinda neat that you can do it... same config ought to work for Linux.
  • So, that was not too bad. I learned how to do PPPoE from my Unix box and figured out how to set the E200ER in 'bridge mode'. You call it 'bridge mode' when it doesn't do anything other than convert DSL signals in to Ethernet. No PPPoE/Nat/Etc.

    If it is a Brand New AT&T DSL link, you will need to use the 'sbcyahooreg' authname and key above... browse to: and then you can set up your own authname and authkey. As soon as you have it, you can stop filling out their silly forms. It is just marketing crap. They ask for your address, you profession, etc. Enter '123 no junk mail st.' as your address.

    Note: the does not support FireFox, so I had launch 'Firebug' (a firefox extension) and edit the form to make it 'FireFox' compatible. How stupid is Att for having a simple registration process that has browser incompatibilities???

    Instructions made by Rudy and are copyright 2008. You like them? Gratuitously pandering: host a server with my ISP,